When we move, it's a movement...Part II

‘Like anywhere else, there are no coincidences. Probability makes for accomplices, and change creates meaning’

the floridian is moving. again. here’s what to know about the journey and the destination that lay before us:

Fifteen years ago (or thereabouts), a few intrepid (read: naive) young folks set out to found a comfortable, casual, contemporary eating establishment, based upon the simple principle that ‘food is important’. Locally-sourced ingredients, roots in Southern traditions, culinary and stylistic inspiration from all of Florida’s diverse multi-culturalism and (shall we say?) eccentricities, knowing nods to ‘natural/healthy’ dietary predilections (what is tempeh?), a welcoming atmosphere with a ‘come one, come all’ ethos—all combined to create what became a pretty popular little eatery.

With Jeff and Genie McNally at the helm (that’s us!), The Floridian sailed along at its original location on Cordova St. until an opportunity arose that just couldn’t be passed up. So it went that in 2015 we began the complete renovation and re-envisioning of a century-old building on Spanish Street, with a Grand (Re)Opening in September of that year. Growth. Adaptation. Evolution. Movement. Forward momentum. The fulfillment of a vision, with a continued dedication to our guiding principles: good food, quality service. Despite the occasional hurricane and pandemic, The Floridian persisted. Ain’t sunk yet.

As we might have mentioned before, history is a process. Evolution is unavoidable.  We know that time and space conspire in an elegant thermodynamic dance to induce entropy, change. To paraphrase Leonard Cohen, ‘who are we to refuse the universe?’. After 10 lovely years at our home on Spanish Street—15 years total in the humble hamlet known as Downtown St. Augustine—we are once again hoisting our sails, grabbing the fresh wind, and traveling to a new island location across the water—Anastasia Island to be specific.

So here we are again. A shift. A change. The last day of service at 72 Spanish Street will be Monday, July 28th, 2025. We are now in the process of constructing a new restaurant build-out at 485 Old Beach Road, on the way to and from St. Augustine Beach—a crossroads of sorts, between the land and sea, the entry corridor of Historic St. Augustine and the beach residents and the neighborhoods across the bridge. Set to open late Fall/Winter 2025, there will be a pause in operations that is unavoidable. But with clear eyes and full hearts, we will open our doors at our new home as soon as possible, and welcome back all of our Floridian friends, family and fans—the same Floridian you know and love, just in a new location to better serve you and yours.

Some FAQ's to help further elucidate or new endeavor:

Where? Still St. Augustine! 485 Old Beach Rd./ On the corner of Old Beach and A1A Beach Blvd (East/Beachside of the SR 312 intersection) to be specific. 3.7 miles from current location. About a 10 minute drive from downtown!

When? Last day at Spanish St. will be Monday July 28th. New location set to open Late Fall/Winter 2025

What? The New Floridian of course (not a second location)! New construction building reminiscent of Old Florida Coastal Cottages, with eclectic interior design, new infrastructure, yet still keeping with The Floridian aesthetic, menu and vibes!

Why? We love downtown, but we are evolving. Parking. Accessibility. Keeping it fresh. New building. Staying true to our roots.

Outdoor seating? Yes! The new design includes a wrap-around porch deck with outside tables, as well as a Side-yard Garden Space among the live oak hammock for casual and fun hangs, turbo window for quick drinks to enjoy al fresco, and more!

Private Parties? Yes! Please email reservations@thefloridianstaug.com for more information.

Who? It's still us! Jeff and Genie McNally and their band of misfits. Ain’t sunk yet.

Any further questions can be sent to info@thefloridianstaug.com. We'll be happy to answer them.